

New Site Uncovers Pirated Movies

Now, however, a site, DailyMotionMovieVids.com, directs Web users to
movies that are available for free online
. Two companion sites,
DailyMotionEpisodes.com and DailyMotionMusic.com, do the same for TV
shows and music. The movie site quietly launched last week, while the
music site went live earlier this month. All three sites, known as the
DM* Network, rely on users to contribute information about where on the
Web particular movies, TV shows and music can be found.

Harry Potter! Star Wars!でもクリックしてみると全部削除されてるじゃーん!



The DailyMotionMovieVids.com site states that it's legal because it
isn't hosting any videos, just directing users to them.
But Corynne
McSherry, a staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation,
said that the law is murky. "The current legal situation is that it's a
little bit of a mix," she said, adding: "It's unclear what the law is
going to be for copyright protection in the context of linking.


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