$100 Million Payday For Feedburner - This Deal Is Confirmed
The deal is all cash and mostly upfront,
according to our source, although the founders will be locked in for a
couple of years.
The information we have is that the deal is now under a binding term
sheet and will close in 2-3 weeks, and there is nothing that can really
derail it at this point.
Ventures funded their $1 million Series A round in 2004. The $9 million
Series B round was closed in mid 2005 (second close in 2006), from
Mobius Venture Capital and Union Square Ventures.
Google buys Feedburner for $100M
The US traffic to Feedburner has grown
by 204% over the past year (April 2006 to April 2007) and the US
traffic to Google Reader has grown by 290% in the past four months,
according to Hitwise.
7+7 Reasons Why Google Buying FeedBurner is a Match Made in Heaven & Hell
Match Made In Heaven?
- Existing Subscriber Statistics
- Integrate FeedBurner With Blogger
- Integrate FeedBurner with Google Analytics
- Intellectual Property
- 422,717 publishers
- Economy of Scale (Publishers)
- Economy of Scale (Advertisers)
Match Made In Hell?
- Slow Development
- Legal Compliance
- Ability to add Copyright information
- Bugs in the API
- Squashing Competition
- Poor Support
- Fractured Lines of Communication
Why Buying FeedBurner is Really Smart of Google
Adding more flare
official Google blogでのアナウンス
Google has acquired FeedBurner
Google's Acquisition Report Card
6/5 追記:
FeedBurner: Let’s Party!
Cnet Japan
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