
Google buys Feedburner for $100M

$100 Million Payday For Feedburner - This Deal Is Confirmed

The deal is all cash and mostly upfront,
according to our source, although the founders will be locked in for a
couple of years.

The information we have is that the deal is now under a binding term
sheet and will close in 2-3 weeks, and there is nothing that can really
derail it at this point.

Ventures funded their $1 million Series A round in 2004. The $9 million
Series B round was closed in mid 2005 (second close in 2006), from
Mobius Venture Capital and Union Square Ventures.

Google buys Feedburner for $100M

The US traffic to Feedburner has grown
by 204% over the past year (April 2006 to April 2007) and the US
traffic to Google Reader has grown by 290% in the past four months,
according to Hitwise.


7+7 Reasons Why Google Buying FeedBurner is a Match Made in Heaven & Hell

Match Made In Heaven?

  1. Existing Subscriber Statistics 
  2. Integrate FeedBurner With Blogger
  3. Integrate FeedBurner with Google Analytics
  4. Intellectual Property
  5. 422,717 publishers
  6. Economy of Scale (Publishers)
  7. Economy of Scale (Advertisers)

Match Made In Hell?

  1. Slow Development
  2. Legal Compliance 
  3. Ability to add Copyright information
  4. Bugs in the API 
  5. Squashing Competition
  6. Poor Support
  7. Fractured Lines of Communication


Why Buying FeedBurner is Really Smart of Google


Adding more flare

official Google blogでのアナウンス

Google has acquired FeedBurner




Google's Acquisition Report Card


6/5 追記:

FeedBurner: Let’s Party!



Cnet Japan

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